Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


Beckson, Karl et al, Literary Terms A Dictionary, Andre Deutch Limited, Great Britain, 1990

Gidden, Antony, Kapitalisme dan Teori Sosial Modern, Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta 1985

Holmess, Leslie, Post Communism an Introduction, Policy Press, Cambridge, 1997

Lamont, Corliss, Soviet Civilization , Philosophical Library, New York, 1952

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyc, V .I. Lenin, Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow, 1959

Loane, Marcus, Theory of Mind, http://www.geocities.com/marcusra/tofmind.htm

Lodge, David, Modern Criticism and Theory, Longman Inc, New York, USA, 1998

Moorehead, Dian, The Russian Revolution, USA, New York 1985

Mosley E, Philip, Russian Revolution, http://www.emazine.com/lecturer/russianrevolution/html

Norman, Grebstein Sheldon, Perspective and Contemporary Criticism, Harper and Row Publisher, New York, USA, 1968

Orwell, George, Animal Farm, Penguin Books Ltd, London, England 1956

Suseno, Frans Magniz, Pemikiran Karl Marx, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1999

Unitthan, T.K.N, at all Toward Sociology and Culture in India, Prentice may of India (Private) ltd, New Delhi, 1965

Weber, Marx, Economy and Society, New York, USA, 1968

Wellek, Rene and Austin, Theory of Literature, Penguin, London, 1981

The Editor, http://education.yahoo.com/reference/encyclopedia/entry/Russian

The Editor, http://en.wikipedia.org/Dog

The Editor, http://en.wikipedia.org/Culture

The Editor, http://en.wikipedia.org/Donkey

The Editor, http://en.wikipedia.org/Josef Stalin

The Editor, http://en.wikipedia.org/Leon Trotsky

The Editor, www.wikipedia.org.com/sociology

The Editor, www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/social_interaction

The Editor, www.faculty.rsu.edu

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