A. The Animal Characters in Representing the Marxist Society and Ideology
1. Symbolism in Animal Farm
Orwell’s symbolism in Animal Farm is presented to represent the figures of Russian Revolution. Orwell symbolizes the figures with animals and some important places with the farm. The main figure in the story is the pigs. Orwell uses the pigs to surround and support napoleon. They symbolize the communist party loyalist and the friend of Stalin, as well as perhaps the Duma or Russian parliaments.
Pigs are commonly associated with greed, like a verb “as greedy as pig”, in Animal Farm the pigs unlike other animals live in luxury and enjoy the benefit of the society the help to control. The pigs become so corrupt, greedy and be hungry to have power, and take advantages on others’ stupidity.
Comrade!’ he cried. You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proven by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. (Animal Farm, 1945:32)
32Above speech is the pigs’ conspiracy among the other animals in the farm. Through squealer, the persuasive talker, the pigs takes any advantages for themselves and bends it as if for other interest. They hide their greed under their smart tactic to deceive others.
Orwell also uses Dogs in his book to represents the KGB or perhaps more accurately bodyguards of Stalin, as dogs is often associated with humans’ bodyguard. KGB was the umbrella organization name for the principal Soviet security agency, the principal intelligence agency, and the principal secret police agency. Dogs usually lived with and worked with human in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them sobriquet “man’s best friend” (www.wikipedia.org/dog).
Dog also usually has high sensitivity and intelligent, besides it has six senses which differentiates it with others. As the KGB which is trusted as the agent of Soviet security and was envisioned as the “sword and shield” of the Bolshevik Revolution and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union., the Dogs in Animal Farm is has the role to secure Napoleon from any disturbance and criticisms from other animals.
Sheep is also used in Animal Farm; sheep are used to represent the ignorant and uneducated masses of revolutionary Russia. The sheep are unable to be taught the subtleties of revolutionary ideology and can only be taught repetitive slogans such as "Four legs good, two legs bad" which they bleat in unison at rallies. This is due to the widespread perception that sheep lack intelligence and also their undoubted herd mentality.
Orwell’s use of Donkey also appeared in this novel, the donkey has long been a symbol of ignorance. Because of its connection with ignorance, in modern slang, referring to someone as a dumbest means that they are unintelligent. Many people would find this term vulgar and rude.( http: // en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Donkey), while rats and rabbits, who are regarded as wild animals, somehow represent the socialist movement, the so called “Mencheviki”. In the beginning of the book the animals vote if rats and rabbits be Comrades. Mencheviki, the term for Menshevik adherer were a faction of the Russian revolutionary movement that emerged after a dispute between Vladimir Lenin and Julius Martov, both members of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party. Mensheviks is derived from Russian words which mean “minority”, this group assume that it is better to have a large party of activists with broad representation. In Animal Farm eventhough the character of Rat an dRabbit is not described clearly, but the doubt of old major to choose them as comrade or not, can be the representation of the dislike and disbelieve of other animals toward Rat and Rabbit. As they have different physical appearance and character from others.
Pigeons, the pigeons are specials animals that can be trained or utilized by human being for their interest such as deliver letter, or messages. The pigeon in Animal Farm symbolize Soviet propaganda, not to Russia but to other countries like Germany, England, France, and even in United States. Russia has created iron curtain even before War World II. in this book Orwell mentions the fact that the other farmers become suspicious and worried when their animals begin to sing Beasts of England. Many western governments have had similar problems with their people in this century.
Farm building stands for the Kremlin. In the early days of the USSR there were sightseeing tours through the Kremlin. Later it becomes residence of Stalin. While Windmill stands for the Russian industry, that has been built by the working class. While Frederick stands for Hittler, Foxwood farm represents England, Pinchfield symbolizes Germany. These country has much dealing in Russia Post-Revolution.
2. The Characterization in Animal Farm
The novel Animal Farm is a satire of Russian revolution, and therefore full of symbolism and the characters in the story actually represent the figures outside the text who dealing much in Russian Revolution:
1. Mr. Jones
Mr. Jones in one of Orwell’s villain in animal Farm. Orwell says that at one time Jones was actually a decent master to his animals. At this time the animal was thriving. But in recent years the farm had fallen on harder times and opportunity was seen to revolt. Mr. Jones imitates Czar Nicolas II, the leader before Stalin (Napoleon). Mr. Jones represents the old government, the last of the Czars. Orwell suggests that Jones was losing his edge. In fact he and his men had taken up the habit of drinking.
In the past years Mr. Jones, although a hard master had been a capable farmer, but of late he late he had fallen to evil days. He had become much disheartened after losing money in lawsuit, and had taken to drinking more than was good for him. For whole days at a time he would lounge in his Windsor chair in the kitchen, reading newspaper, drinking, and occasionally feeding Moses on crusts of bread soaked in bear. (Animal Farm P.18).
Jones is a symbol of the arbiter, as the master in the farm; he makes benefit from the animals to serves his interest. In Animal Farm this figure actually symbolizes the arbitrary regime of Czar Nicolas II.
In the beginning of 1905 Nicholas II was in much more danger from his own people than from the foreign enemy in the east, eleven months of unsuccessful campaigning had broken the morale of the Russian army, and in this cities civilians were sick of working at pressure and in miserable conditions for a war they did not support and understood.
Some two hundred thousand men and women and children gathered on the snowbound streets, carrying icons and pictures of the czar. Meanwhile Nicholas had left Petrograd. At all events, the panic had seized the military officers who had been left by the Czar to deal with the situation and they called on the marchers to stop the dispute.
The workers were in an exalted state of mind and they were convinced that they had only to reach the Czar for their case to be understood when they came on again the soldier of the palace guard opened fire. They fired from the distance of only ten or twenty yard straight into the screaming, struggling mass of people, and there was horrible carnage more than five hundred was killed and several thousand wounded (Russian Revolution, 1965:55).
This event has lingered in Russian people’s mind, the survivors remembered so well were the red blood on the snow, they remembered the bloody Sunday and the bodies lying in the street of Petrograd.
Nicholas II also symbolizes totalitarian in monarchial regimes, untouched by people’s misery, suppress the people with the long working hour with minimum salary.
2. Old Major
Old major is the first major character described by Orwell in Animal Farm. This pure-bred of pigs is the kind, grandfatherly philosopher of change, an obvious metaphor for Karl Marx. Old Major proposes solution to the animals’ desperate plight under the Jones “admiration” when he inspires a rebellion of sorts among the animals.
Now Comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours? Let us face it, our life are miserable, laborious, and short. We are born, we are given just so much foods as will keep the breath in our bodies and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength, and the very instant that our usefulness has come to and end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. (Animal farm, 1945:8)
From the speech above it is obvious, that the old major is the rebellious who really concern with the condition of animals at the time, and take pity on their fate, therefore he propose the change for animals. Of course the actual time of the revolt is untold. It could be the next day or several generations down the road. But Old Major’s idea is only an ideal. He said “It is not clear then Comrades, that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of Human beings? only get rid of Man, and the produce of labor would be our own. Almost overnight we could become rich and free” (Animal Farm, 1945:10)
After his death, three days after the barn-yard speech, the socialism he professes is drastically altered when Napoleon and other pigs begin to dominate. It is interesting that Orwell does not mention Napoleon or Snowball at any time during the great speech of the old major. This shows how distant and out of touch they really were, the ideal Old Major proclaimed seemed to not even have been considered when they were establishing their new government after the successful revolt. It is almost seems as though the pigs fed off old Major’s inspiration and the used it to benefit themselves instead of following through on the old Major’s honest proposal. This could be Orwell’s attempt to dig Stalin, whom many consider to be someone who totally ignored Marx’s political and social theory. Using Old Major’s apparent naivety, Orwell concludes that no society is perfect, no pure socialist civilization can exist, and there is no way to escaping the evil grasp of capitalism. Unfortunately, when Napoleon and Squealer take over, Old Major becomes a distant and more distant fragment of the past in the mind of the farm animals
1. Napoleon
The pigs in this story represent the political figures in Russia post-revolution. The pigs are described as the smarter figures and the dominator in the farm. Since the beginning of the revolution the pigs have led the other animals to manage the farm, teach and organize them even the pigs acting as the supervisor during the animal farm building.
The pigs didn’t actually work, but directed and supervised the others with their superior knowledge. It was natural that they should assume the leadership (Animal Farm 1945:25).
The pigs are represented by two popular figures, they are Napoleon and Snowball, Napoleon is the portrayal of Stalin while Snowball portrays Leon Trotsky.
Napoleon is Orwell’s villain in Animal farm. Napoleon the pig is really the central character on the farm, obviously a metaphor for Stalin, comrade Napoleon represents the human frailties of any revolution. From the beginning of post revolution George Orwell has described the split character between Napoleon and Snowball, even for the case of education, Napoleon believes that education for the young is the most important, while for snowball organizing and teaching other animals in other farm is more important. Napoleon seems to be an Idealist and rather difficult to receipt other opinions.
Napoleon took no interesting Snowball’s committees; he said that the education of the young was more important than anything that would be done for those who were already grown up. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies, as soon as they wear weaned, napoleon took them away from their mother, saying that he would make himself responsible for their education. He took them up into a loft which could only be reached by a ladder from the harness room and there kept them in such seclusion. The rest of the farm soon forgot their existence. (Animal farm 1945:32)
From above description, Napoleon is an idealist who really concern with education, but the education which he meant is for the special animals to support them. He takes Jessie’s Puppies to be thought being his guard. Napoleon also become so corrupt in the farm, claims themselves as the thinker, so they take ration more than others, even they store up the milk and the apples to make the mash for the pig themselves, and they ignore other animals’ complaint.
The mystery of where the milk went to was soon cleared up, it was mixed every day into the pig’s mash. The early apples were now ripening and the grass of the orchard was littered with windfall, the animals had assumed as a matter of coursed it would be shared equally, one day however the order went forth that all the windfall were for the use of the pigs. At this some of the animals murmured but it was no use (Animal Farm 1945:32)
The pigs have become the special class who gets special foods, milk and apples are the luxurious foods in the farm and the only pigs that can eat this kind of foods. While the other animals eat grain.
Several months after the revolution Mr. John’s allies come back to the farm, to take over the farm, but it can be extinguished by the animals’ struggle. Several time after, the human’s invasion, the differences between Napoleon and snowball is uncover. The dispute rose steeply when snowball conveying his plain to built windmill and Napoleon stands in opposite side of Snowball’s plan.
Napoleon is a cold hearted and cunning, when snowball’s plan are completed, it is time to decide whether or not the farm is started, Napoleon can’t hide his envy to Snowball. The conflict is ended with the expulsion of snowball from the farm , Napoleon has had his own soldier that is the dogs, he took from their mother then he teach privately being his guard, this soldier is firstly ordered to attack Snowball which ended with the expulsion of Snowball from the farm.
Snowball was racing across the long pasture that led to the road. He was running as only a pig can run, but the dogs were close on his heels. Suddenly he slipped and it seemed certain that they had him. Then he was up again, running faster than ever, and then the dogs were gaining on him again. One of them all but closed his jaws on Snowball’s tail, but Snowball whisked it free just in time. Then he put on an extra spurt and, with a few inches to spare, slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more. (Animal Farm, 1945:47)
Snowball is expelled from the farm forcedly, because he is regarded as the dangerous one that will endanger his position, which is why Napoleon really wants to eliminate Snowball from the farm. By using the power of the dogs Napoleon has successfully expelling snowball from Animal Farm and since then Napoleon become the sole leader in the farm.
Napoleon also a slander, he always blames Snowball with whatever problem emerge in Animal Farm, when the windmill which just about completed then it falls in ruin because of shout-west wind, immediately Napoleon stand up before all animal and make announcement that Snowball is the one who must be in charge of the accident and than pronounce the death sentence upon Snowball.
Snowball has done this thing!, in sheer malignity, thinking to set back our plans and avenge himself for his ignominious expulsion, this traitor has crept here under cover of night and destroyed our work of nearly a year. Comrade here and now I pronounce the death sentence upon Snowball. (Animal Farm, 1945:62)
Napoleon accuses Snowball as a traitor, the betrayal who always comes at night to destroy the farm. Without any clear proof Napoleon judges snowball and pronounces the death sentence upon Snowball. Characters of Animal farm actually represent the real figure of Russian revolution that is Josef Stalin. Stalin’s rule was characterized by a strong cult personality, an extreme concentration of power and little concern for the harsh consequences of strict policies. Stalin attempted to suppress all opposition through a bureaucratic and arbitrary network of terror.
Stalin is always in opposed with Trotsky which is described in the novel as the opposition Napoleon against Snowball. During the period, Stalin abandoned the traditional Bolsheviks emphasis on international revolution in favor of policy of building “Socialism in One Country”, in contrast to Trotsky’s theory of Permanent Revolution.
Stalin has good position to build in his own power to be dominant in the party. This position was an unwanted one between the parties but Stalin saw its potential as power base. The position had great influence on those who joined the party. This allowed him to fill the party with his allies. (www.en.wikipedia.org/Josef Stalin). It is described in Animal farm in the isolation of Puppies from their mother by Napoleon.
An important feature of Stalin rise is the way that he manipulated his opponents and played them off against each other. Stalin formed “Troika” of himself, Zinoviev and Kamenev against Trotsky. It is also represented by the tactic of Napoleon to spread out fake issues about Snowball’s involvement of Human’s attack to Animal Farm. The conflict between Napoleon and Snowball is ended with the expulsion of Snowball from the farm by Napoleon and his allies which is presented in the story, when Stalin was supreme among the leadership, Trotsky was exiled because of his opposition.
Stalin’s regime moved the force collectivization of agriculture. This was in order to increase agricultural output from large-mechanized farm, to bring the peasantry under more direct political control, to make tax collection more efficient, and to provide workers for Gulags. many historian agree that the disruption caused by collectivization was largely responsible for major famine (www.wikipedia.org/Josef Stalin) This was told in the story by the hard work of animals to built the windmill, even to work 18 hour per week and work in Sunday afternoon. With insufficient food, that makes many animals died.
2. Snowball.
Orwell describes Snowball as a pig very similar to Napoleon at lasting the early stages. Both pigs wanted a leadership position in the new economic and political system which is actually contradictory to the wide supposed system of equality.
Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. All the other male pigs on the farm were porkers. The best known among them was small fat pig named squealer, with very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movement, and a shrill voice. (Animal Farm 1945:15)
Snowball is a firm and the optimist one and full of spirit to raise the animal’s awareness of animalism to fight against human domination. He is quick in speech therefore it is not difficult to built his reputation, he also has many ideas for the future of the farm, such as the build of the farm, electricity and the flag.
Comrade, said Snowball, those ribbons that you are so devoted to are the badge of slavery. Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons? Mollie agreed, but she did not sound very convinced. The pigs had an even harder struggle to counter act the lies put about by Moses the tame raven (Animal farm 1945:17)
Snowball is also the one who firmly opposes human’s attribute as it is stated in the Seven Commandment “no Animal Shall wear clothes” even Snowball throws Ribbons which usually used to decorate horse’s tail. Snowball is also the best in writing in the farm, he is the one who removes the name Manor Farm, and changes it into Animal Farm
Snowball had found in the harness room an old green tablecloth of Mrs. Jones’s and had painted on it a hoof and a horn in white. This was run up the farm house garden every Sunday morning. The flag was green, Snowball explained, to represent the green field of England, while the hoof and the horn signified the future Republic of the Animals which would arise when the human race had been finally overthrown.(Animal Farm 1945:28)
Snowball also finds the flag which become the symbol of animalism in animal farm with hoof and horn which signifies future Republic of Animal Farm. Green color of flag symbolizes England.
Snowball is also good organizer and good teacher of other animals, he organize other animals into committees and teach them writing and reading, even though the committees finally fail but the writing and reading classes is a greet success.
Snowball also busied himself with organizing the other animals into what he called Animal Committees. He was indefatigable at this…,. The reading and the writing class however were in great success. By the autumn almost every animal on the farm was literate in some degree. As the pigs, they could already read and write perfectly. (Animal Farm 1945:29)
Snowball forms committees to build animal’s power and in order to make easier control and teaching to animals. Snowball also has writing and reading class for other animals which make them literate in some degree. Even though not all of them can read and write perfectly, but at least the stupidest among them know the letters which they never know before. The great success of this program is indicated by the perfect learner of the pigs and the dogs, who can read and write fairly well.
Snowball also creative. He is the one who gives birth to new Maxim “for legs good, two legs bad”. He declared that the Maxim has reflected the seven commandments; the Maxim is drawn to seed essential principle of Animalism into every animals mind as some of them is find difficulties to understand or remember it by heart.
Snowball is also the good Commander in the farm which is proven in the Battle of Cowshed, animals also initiated by Snowball has spread out the spirit of animalism to make rebellion to the animals in the neighbor farm, by sending the Pigeon whose the instructions were to mingle with the animals the tune of the Beast of England. It gives great impact to the neighbor farm, and the owner of the farm became so worries than the reinstate the farm to get the farm back, but Snowball with his Great bravery and his skill in command has succeeded to expel the human from the farm. He acts bravery until he gets shot in his back.
As the human beings reproached the farm building, snowball launched his first attack. All the pigeons, to the number of thirty-five, flew to and fro aver the men’s heads and muted upon them from mid-air, and while the men were dealing with this, the geese, who had been hiding the hedge, rushed out and pecked viciously at the calves of their legs.(Animal Farm, 1945:37)
Snowball acts as the commander in the battle of cowshed by forming animals into groups as the tactic to defeat human being, his good command is proven in this battle, where the animals foe the second time successfully expel human being from the farm. Even though he gets shot in back.
Snowball is also smart and inventive, beside he is the best in writing, organizing and commanding other animals, snowball also enrich his knowledge by reading Jones’s books which make him being ever researcher and inventive, he also full of plans for innovation and improvement, thus his plans to build windmill become his great Project which makes him expelled from the Farm.
Within a few weeks Snowball’s plans for the windmill were fully worked out. The mechanical details come mostly from three books which had belonging to Mr.Jones-One Thousand Useful Things to Do about the House, Every Man His Own Bricklayer, and Electricity for Beginners. Snowball used as his study a shed which had once been used for Incubators and had a smooth wooden floor , suitable for drawing on (Animal Farm, 1945:44)
Snowball learns to write and read by himself, after able to read he always ever research any knowledge and science. He successfully understands Jones’s books which then enable him to apply in the realistic plan that is to build windmill. He plans to build windmill that will make easier way for animals to do his job in modern way, also to built electricity to lighten the farm and to create prosperity in Animal Farm.
The character of Snowball actually describes Leon Trotsky The Russian revolutionist. Trotsky was one of the Bolsheviks leaders to recognize the problem and be pushed for the formation of a military council of Former Russian General that would function as an advisory body.
Trotsky’s resignation as commissar for foreign affair was officially accepted and he was appointed people’s commissar of army and navy affairs in place of podvoisley and chairman of the supreme military council. The past of the commander in chief was abolished and from that point on Trotsky was in full control of the Red Army. (www.wikipeia.org/Leon Trotsky)
Trotsky and Stalin is always in disagreement especially in the theory of revolution, Trotsky has strong believe in his theory of permanent revolution while Stalin more prefer to his Socialism in one country, according to Trotsky the spirit of revolution must be spread out to others country in order to make secure their own country, whereas Stalin has an opposite opinion.
It is described in animals by the disagreement between snowball and Napoleon to defense the farm. According to Napoleon, what the animal must do was to procure fire-arms and train themselves in the use of them. While, according to Snowball, they must send out more and more pigeons and stir up rebellion among the animals on the other animals.
During this period, Stalin abandoned the traditional Bolsheviks emphasizes on international revolution in favor of a policy of building “socialism in one country” in contrast to Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution (www. Wikipedia .org /Josef Stalin)
Because of this opposition Trotsky was exiled from the party even murdered by Stalin’s Agents. Trotsky was expelled from the Commissar of Red Army and accused as Mensheviks because of his critics to Stalin’s arbitrary and economic policy (Suseno 2005 : 60)
3. Squealer
Squealer is an intriguing character in Orwell’s animal farm. He is first described as manipulator and persuader. He could turn black into white. Squealer is a loyal follower of Napoleon who devoted all for the leader no matter it is right or wrong. He is very smart in playing words to persuade others and always stand for Napoleon. His persuasive tactic is shown in the way he explained to others about Napoleon’s policy such as the removal of some commandment, the decrease of rations, corruption and the execution of other animals.
Comrades! He cried, you do not imagine, I hope that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? many of us actually dislike of milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking this things is to preserve our health. Milk and apple (this has been proved by science, Comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well- being of pigs. (Animal Farm, 1945:32)
Squealer is good talker in playing words; he is very expert to deceive other animals with his explanations, he able to mention the proof to ensure his words. As written in the above speech, he convinces others that the milk and apple the most luxurious food in the farm is only deserved for pigs as the thinker in the farm. Because these foods is full of substances which only needed by Napoleon and his allies. It is actually the real proof of the greed of the pigs, and also shows their arrogance which regards themselves as the high class in the farm
6. Boxer
The name boxer is cleverly used by Orwell as metaphor for the Boxer rebellion in china in the early twentieth century. It was this rebellion which signaled the beginning of communism in red china. This form of communism much like the distorted Stalin view of socialism, is still present to day in the oppressive socialist government in China. Boxer and Clover are used by Orwell to represent the proletariat, or unskilled labor class in Russian society. This lower class is naturally drawn to Stalin (Napoleon) because it seems as though they will benefit most from his new system. Since boxer the other low animals are not accustomed to the good life they cannot really compare Napoleon’s government with the life they have before under the Czar (Jones). Also since usually the lowest class has the lowest intelligence, it is difficult to persuade them into thinking they are getting a good deal. The proletariat is also quite good at convincing them that communism is a good idea.
Their most faithful disciples were the two cart horses, Boxer and Clover these two had great difficulty in thinking anything out of themselves, but having once accepted the pigs as their teachers, they absorbed everything that they were told, and passed it on to the other animals by simple argument. (Animal Farm, 1945:17)
The good things of the pigs are that they are the cleverest animals in the farm, they are smart and easily to convince others about their ideas. Pigs is the only animal in the farm who able to absorb the Old Major’s thought and formulate it into what is called animalism. Pigs has become the trusted class in the farm with his maxim to escape of human domination. The pigs have Great Spirit to make rebellion against human being, that is way it is not difficult to make other animals believe in themselves.
Later the importance of the proletariat is shown when Boxer suddenly falls and there is suddenly a drastic decrease in work productivity. But still he is taken for granted by the pigs, which send him away in a glue truck. Truly Boxer is the biggest poster-child for gullibility.
6. Mollie
Mollie is one of the minor characters who tends to individualistic, but she represents something very important. Mollie is one of the animals who is mostly opposed to the new government under Napoleon. She does not care much about the politics of the whole situation, she just wants to tie her hair with ribbons and eat sugar, thing her social status won’t allow. Many animals consider her a traitor when she is seen being petted by a human in neighboring farm. Soon Mollie confronted by the dedicated animals, and she quietly leaves the farm. Mollie characterizes the typical middle-class skilled worker who suffers from this new communism concept.
Three day later Mollie disappears. For some weeks nothing was known of her whereabouts the pigeons reported that they had seen her on the other side of Willington. She was between the shafts of a smart dogcart painted red and black, which was standing outside a public house. (Animal farm, 1945:42)
Mollie is the one who only thinks about herself and her interest. She runs away from the farm because she can’t receipt the new concept of animalism that forbids her to wear ribbon, and to eat palm sugar. Finally she devotes herself in the neighborhood farm to get her own interest.
7. Old Benjamin
Old Benjamin an elderly donkey is one of Orwell’s most elusive and intriguing characters on Animal Farm. He is described as rather unchanged since the rebellion. He still does his work the same way, never becoming too exited or too disappointed about anything that has passed. Benjamin explains “Donkey live long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey”. It describes the pattern of thought of the Benjamin, as the oldest generation in the farm, who not really care with the situation in the a farm, this word also describe the optimistic as well as critic of the oldest generation toward the revolution. Although there is no clear metaphoric relationship between Benjamin and Orwell’s critic of communism, it makes sense that during any rebellion there are those who are never totally embrace the revolution, those so cynical they no longer look to their leader to help. Benjamin symbolizes the older generation, the critic of any rebellion. Really this old donkey is the only animal that seems as though he couldn’t care less about Napoleon and Animal farm.
Benjamin was the oldest animal on the farm and the worst tempered. He seldom talked, and he did it was usually to make some cynical remark, for instance he would say that God had given him flies off, but that he would sooner have had no tail and no flies. Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed. If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at. (Animal Farm, 1945:6)
Benjamin just believes in themselves that he is right but never encounter other with what he thinks. He seldom cares with the situation outside himself, as he believe that everything will not be changed as he wants. That is why he just keep unmoving with any changed happen in the farm.
8. Muriel
Muriel is a knowledgably goat who reads the commandments for Clover. Muriel represents a minority of working class people who are educated enough to decide things for themselves and find critical and hypocritical problems with their leaders. Unfortunately for the others animals Muriel is not charismatic or inspired enough to take action and oppose Napoleon and his pigs
But a few Muriel reading over the seven commandment herself, noticed that there was yet another of them which the animals had remembered wrong. They had though that the fifth commandment read “no animal shall drink alcohol” but there were two words that they had forgotten. Actually the commandment read ‘no animal shall drink alcohol to excess” (Animal Farm, 1945:93)
From above phrases known that Muriel actually knows and understands with any deviations made by pigs in Animal Farm. She knows any amendment that is done by pigs to serve their interest but Muriel has no interest to pay any attention on this case. She has no courage to express his critic to the pigs instead she just keeps it in his own mind.
B. The Application of Max’s System and Ideology
In the earlier page of Animal Farm Orwell has explained the rebellion as the root of social change in Animal Farm. The idea of the Old Major as the satire of Karl Marx ideas that the only through rebellion they can change their life, misery, oppression which is caused by the domination of human being that is Jones
1. Theory of Class
The domination is caused by the division of class between Human and animals. Human is as the dominator or capitalist in Marx term, while animals as the dominee are the working class who sell their labor to feed themselves. The relationship between the animals and their master is exploitation. Mr. Jones as the owner gets the income not from labor as much as from the surplus value the appropriate from animal that create the wealth the income of the capitalist. Therefore it is based on his exploitation of the animals as the workers, while the animals as the labors earn their livelihood by selling their labor power, and being paid with minimum food for their labor time, just to prevent them from starving. The clash of interest between Mr. Jones and animals is explained by Marx’s theory of class.
Marx believe that life is a history which is built by social classes always crash in conflict of interest. The conflict of interest will always appear as long as there is class stratification in society.
The conflict of interest will evoke to physical conflict when one of the class lose control upon another. The situation will be balance as long as the employer can take control upon the workers. And turn to be imbalance when the power of control decreases. Automatically the worker will wining their interest that will be the root of revolution to abolishing the ownership of the means of production (Suseno 2004 : 117).
This conflict of interest according to Marx will end in physical conflict when one of the class that is the dominator loses control upon the another class as the dominee. In other hand the situation will be under control if the dominator still have the ultimate power to manage the dominee that is the working class.
In Animal Farm the old major also stated that the only Rebellion which can free animals from human domination. Rebellion is the only way to break through human and escape animals from any human affairs. Rebellion is aimed to make freedom to animals to have their own life, to manage it and control it by themselves, without any suppression or exploitations.
That is the messages to you comrade” Rebellion! I do not know when that rebellion will come, it might be in a week or in a hundred years, but I know as surely as I see this straw beneath my feet, that sooner or later justice will be done, fix your eyes on that, Comrades, throughout the short remainder of your lives and above all pass on their massages of mine to those who come after you, so that future generations shall carry on the struggle until it is victorious (Animal farm 1945:10)
In above speech of animal farm The old major don’t propose specifically when the rebellion will come, but he really sure that it would happen as he believe that no longer animal will want to be slaves for human being. The old major just propose that the rebellion should happen and will happen one day.
After rebellion the farm is theirs then animals manage the farm by themselves, after overthrowing all human’s attribute then they teach themselves which is led by the three prominent pigs that is Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer.They formulated the thought of the old major into a principle namely Animalism which is then simplified and passed into seven commandment, the animals farm’s constitution.
They run thus:
First, whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Secondly, whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings is a friend. Thirdly, No animal shall wear clothes. Fourthly, No animal shall sleep in a bed. Fifthly, No animal shall drink alcohol. Sixthly, No animal shall kill another animal. Seventhly, all animals are equal. (Animal Farm 1945:.23)
The first and the second commandments reflect the Marx’s theory of class where the capitalism is an agent which create society into class, who create the exploitation by human upon humans therefore they must be abolished. According to Marx socialism will never created because of the elimination of private property and means of production.( Suseno, 2004:136)
2. Theory of State
Marx strictly fights against capitalism and propose socialism, a new system of government where classless society will exist. Human being is a symbol of capitalism used by George Orwell in Animal Farm. Marx claimed that mutual cooperation is impossible created by these two class, since they have opposite interest, and any effort to extinguish this conflict in a peaceful way, will only give more space to the capitalist, therefore the way must be done is to abolish the ownership of private property ad means of production.
In first commandment runs “whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy” also emphasizes the Marx’s thought of the dictatorship of proletariat where Marx proposed that in transitional period to jump from capitalism into a classless society will be needed a ruling class who will overcome the resistance of the minority of exploiter to dismiss, the capitalist who remains in the new country.
It could not provide everyone with as much as needed. It transitional regime would be necessary a democratic worker’s state was described by Marx as “ the dictatorship of proletariat”, this much abused term of Marx and Engel simply meant the democratic rule of a minority of exploiters (http://www.emazine.com/lecturer/russianrevolution/html)
The third until fifth commandments states that no animals shall imitate human activities. Human’s attribute and activities in animal farm is the representation of capitalist’s system and ideology. In capitalist system where there will be a state which always stand for bourgeois interest and Ideology that will weaken the worker’s spirit to stand for their right.
Because of this perspective Marx argues that state is no “a friend’ but “an enemy”. State is representative of the upper class to exploit the lower class. Marx stated it possible to defend their the interest as of upper class as if public interest (Suseno, 2004 :21)
These commandments also reflect Marx’s resistance of ideology, Marx assume that the demand to obey the low is ideological in regard of the fulfilling of the law of justice while law itself serve the upper class interest. Marx ideology also expands its orientation to religion.
The next commandment is no animal shall kill any other animals and all animals are equal, it reflects the main principle of socialism country which is written by Engel as the successor of Marx, that all the citizen as the same position, same duties and responsibility and the same reward, the principle is paraphrased in “form each according to their ability to each according to their need”.
In anti - Durhing Engel wrote “when together with class domination and the struggle for individual existence created by the present anarchy in production, those conflicts and excesses which result from struggle disappear, from that time on there will nothing to suppress, and there will be no need for a special instrument of suppression, the state in order that the state shall disappear, society will have reached the stage where it can guarantee. “From each according t o their ability, for each according to their needs (http://www.emazine.com/lecturer/russianrevolution/html)
According to Engel, when the class domination disappears automatically the struggle for the individual existence will vanish, then there will be no conflict in society, because they have the same interest. Since then there is no need to special instrument on suppression. But to reach the stages the society must be prosperous or able to fulfill their own needs.
3. Economic theory
The basic theory of Marx’s socialism is its economic theory which lay its basic in the production force. This is crucial point for Marx, that in the lower state of communism from its very beginning would be a higher level in terms of its economic development than the most developed and advanced capitalism, this is so important because a massive development of the productive force scarcity would prevail and with it the struggle of existence. As Marx in the German Ideology explained that this development of the productive forces is an absolutely necessary practical premise of communism because without it, will be generalized and with want the struggle for necessities begins again and that means that all the old crop must revive (http://www.emazine.com/lecturer/russianrevolution/html) After rebellion animal in the farm begins to hay the farm, even though it seems to be difficult and a vague thing to deal with the tools and to hay the farm, one purpose of this work is to fulfill their basic need of foods.
How they toiled and sweated to get hay in!, but their efforts were rewarded, for the harvest was an even bigger success than they had hoped. Sometimes the work was hard, the implements has been designed for human beings and not for animals, and it was great drawback that no animal was able to use any tool that involved standing on his hind legs.(Animal farm, 1945:25).
It is just the duty of the animals except the pigs, who charge as the supervisor in the farm, as the cleverest animals in the farm the pigs seem to be the director and the thinker in the farm. The next step of their economic growth is the idea of Snowball to build Windmill to make an easier way for animal and for the sake of the prosperity of animals to make surplus production.
Within a few weeks snowball’s plan for the windmill were fully workout. The mechanical details come mostly from three books which had belong to Mr. Jones-One thousand Useful things to do Above the house, every man His Own Bricklayer, and Electricity for beginners. Snowball use as his study a shed which had once been used for incubator and had a smooth wooden floor, suitable for drawing on. (Animal farm, 1945:44)
As the Marx theory of socialist country must lay its based productive force, with the surplus of production to reach the higher stage of communism also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished after the labor has become not only means of life but life’s prime want, after the productive force has also increased with all –round development of the individual and the springs of cooperative wealth flow more abundantly, not only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeoisie right be crossed in its entirely and the society inscribe on its banners ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their need .
Even though finally Snowball is expelled from the farm, because of his plan of windmill, surprisingly the plan is continued by Napoleon as the new master in the farm. The expulsion of snowball is the starting point of Napoleon in the farm, because Snowball is his political rival in the farm, since that Napoleon solely lead the Farm, and free to make decision.
That evening squealer explained privately to the other animals that Napoleon had never in reality been opposed to the windmill. On the contrary, it was he who had advocated in the beginning, and the plan which Snowball had drown on the floor of the incubator shed had actually been stolen from among Napoleon’s own creation. (Animal farm, 1945:52)
As usual squealer persuasively always makes conspiracy among the animals, about the construction of the windmill which according to Squealer is actually the idea of the Napoleon, then snowball has stolen it from Napoleon. Because of this then Napoleon decided to build windmill after the expulsion of Snowball.
C. The Power Abuse of the Arbitrary Regime after Revolution
1. Dictatorship.
Rebellion which is purposed to escape from human domination has led to the new exploitation by animal upon animals. The pigs as the prominent animal in the farm actually needed in the early phase of their farm, to manage the farm, organize and teach other animals about their new concept of animalism and the spirit of rebellion. This is also stated by Marx’s theory of state, where in the earliest phase of socialist country there must be dictatorship proletariat, to eliminate the capitalist who still remains after revolution and to teach worker about the spirit of socialism. The dictatorship of the proletariat is synonymous with a workers’ state in Marx’s view. The dictatorship here is consisting of the committee which is represented by part of the workers.
In Stalin or napoleon era, the world of dictatorship has become discredited which is implemented with totalitarianism, something which was very far from Marx and Engel imagine. Since the beginning the pigs has become the director for others, they use their intelligence to make benefit from other animals
As for the horses, they knew every inch of the field, and in the fact understood the business of mowing or raking far better than Jones and his man had ever done. The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised others with their superior knowledge; it was natural that they should assume the leadership (Animal Farm 1945:25).
But their position has been used to exploits other animals, the pigs wealth himself, indulge himself, and become so corrupt in the farm, they feed themselves with special food that should be shared with others.
The mystery of where the milk went to was seen cleared up. It was mixed everyday into the pigs’ mash. The early apples were now ripening, and the grass of the orchard was littered with windfalls. The animals had assumed as a matter of course that these would be shared out equally. One day however the order went forth that all the windfall were to be collected and brought to the harness room for the use of pigs (Animal farm 1945:.32)
Dualism leadership has become another problem in the farm. The power in the farm has been divided into two parties, that is Snowbalism and Napoleon Allies, both of them have never been in agreement each other. The first different is about the defense of the farm after the battle of Cowshed. According to Napoleon, animals have to strengthen themselves by procuring fire-arms, and train themselves in the use of them. And according to Snowball, they must send out their pigeon and stir up rebellion among the animals on other farms which describe the difference perception of Stalin and Trotsky, Trotsky who has concept of permanent revolution, whereas Stalin with his one nation revolution.
Then the difference between them is also about the build of Windmill, Napoleon hardly opposes and the dispute is ended with the expulsion of snowball from the farm, with military force, and then spread out fake issues about Snowball.
At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars come bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws. In a moment he was out of the door to watch the chase. Snowball was racing across the long pasture that led to the road. (Animal Farm, 1945:48)
The accident actually describes the expulsion of Trotsky from Uni Soviet , because of his opposition to Stalin’s Policy. Trotsky was overthrown from Commissar of Red Army, and accused a Mensheviks because of his critic to Stalin’s broke of democracy and the weak economic policy (Suseno, 1999:60)
Even he was finally assassinated by Stalin’s agent in Mexico, where he had lived in exiled before, eliminated the last of Stalin’s opponent among the former party leadership. This really reflects the dictatorship of Stalin.
Napoleon has become an iron-handed leader, who punishes everyone who opposes his policy; he punishes the Hens who refuses to collect their four hundred eggs per weeks, by stopping their ration, that make them died. Napoleon also kill all animals who suspects to be allies of Snowball, they are executed cruelly.
The three hens who had been the ringleaders in the attempted rebellion over the eggs now came forward and stated that snowball had appeared to them in a dream incited them to disobey Napoleon’s order. They too, were slaughtered. Then a goose came forward and confessed to having secreted six ears of corn during the last year’s harvest and eaten them at night. Then a sheep confessed to having urinated the drinking pool-urged to do this, so she said, by snowball-and two other sheep’s confessed to having murdered an old ram, an especially devoted follower of napoleon, by chasing him round and round a bonfire when he was suffering from a cough. They were all slain in the spot (Animal Farm, 1945:74)
Napoleon conducts execution to the animals who is suspected to be traitor, or has relationship with Snowball. The hens who refuses to give their egg and admitted has been inspired by snowball is slaughtered. Also the goose and the sheep who confess to having urinate the drinking pool-urged to do this. All of them get dead penalty.
After the expulsion of Snowball, Napoleon becomes a more dictator than ever in the farm, he become a power hungry with the dogs as his soldiers. He decides to build the windmill, and spread out the bad rumors about snowball. All animal work hard to built the windmill under Napoleon’s supervision even they have to work sixty hour a week, and work on Sunday afternoon, it is said that the work is voluntary but any animals who absented from it would have his ration reduced by half.
Through the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week and in august Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have their rations reduced by half. (Animal Farm 1945:53)
Napoleon obliged the all animals to work over time even work in Sunday. It is a crazy policy somehow, napoleon does not consider the condition of the animals even he reduces their ration if they are absent. It is almost similar to work force, with voluntary mask.
2. Economic policy
To face the lack of food in Animal Farm, Napoleon makes new policy to the animals. The first, the reduction of ration and the collection of four hundred eggs per week for the hens. He said that the price of this would pay for grain and meal to keep the farming going.
One Sunday morning squealer announced that the hens, who had just come in to lay again, must surrender their eggs. Napoleon had accepted, through whimper, a contract for four hundred a week. The price of these would pay for enough grain and meal to keep the farm going till summer come on and conditions were easier (Animal Farm 1945:66)
The hens are in terrible outcry when hear this. It is really crazy scarification to let their clutches which is ready for spring sitting being sold. And the hens refused it by flying up and laying their eggs to the rafters. Because of this hen’s ration is stopped and give death punish to animals who share their grain with hens. This policy makes many of the hens died.
Nine hens had died in the mean time. Their bodies were buried in the orchard, and it was given out that they had died of coccidiosis. Whimper heard nothing of this affair, and the eggs were duly delivered, a grocer’s van driving up to take them away (Animal Farm 1945:67)
This story actually portrays Stalin’s policy of force collectivization where Stalin obliged the peasant to collect all their crops and breed. In overcoming the failure of his 5 year plan, Stalin make new policy that is collectivization, the citizen’s should collectivize all of their crops and breed. They actually disagree with this policy, but whoever that opposes the policy will be isolated or expelled from Russia.
The methods used by Stalin to collectivize the peasantry had nothing in common with the ideas with the ides of Lenin, they collectivized not only horses, cows, sheep, pigs, even new born chicken, noted Trotsky (http: //www. emazine. com/ lecturer/ russianrevolution/ html)
The second is the policy to get engage with human being. At first Napoleon only has engagement with Mr. Whimper as his facilitator. But lately his known that Napoleon have a definite business agreement with Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood and Mr. Frederick of Pinchfield it can be said the great betrayal in the farm.
One Sunday morning, when the animals assembled to received orders, napoleon announced that he had decided upon new policy. From now onwards animal Farm would engage in trade with the neighboring farms: not, of course, for any commercial purpose, but simply in order to obtain certain materials which were urgently necessary. (Animal Farm 1945:56)
Napoleon has betrayed the animalism, he makes a new policy to engage in trade with the neighboring farms, as it is said in the first commandment that “whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy”, and Napoleon said that the engagement is needed to fulfill their material needs.
3. Breaking the Commandment
The brutality of Napoleon is also mirrored in his cunning tactic to deviate the commandment have been prevailing and acknowledging as the principle of animalism. When Napoleon conducts execution over other animals who are convicted crime. He has broken the sixth commandment that “no animals shall kill another animals” but napoleon put about the commandment, and change it into “ no animals shall kill another animal without cause”
Clover asked Benjamin to read her sixth commandment, and when Benjamin, as usual, said he that he refused to meddle in such matters, she fetched Muriel read the commandment for her. It ran: ‘no animal shall kill any other animal without cause. Somehow or other, the last two words has slipped out of the animals’ memory. (Animal Farm, 1945:78)
Napoleon and his allies stay in Jones’s house with luxurious facilities and separate from others, Napoleon also sleep in Jones’s bed that break the forth commandment ‘no animal shall sleep in a bed’ then being changed to ‘no animal shall sleep in bed with sheet.
Boxer passed it off as usual with “napoleon always right” but Clover who thought she remembered a definite ruling against beds, went to the end of the barn and tried puzzle out the seven commandments which were inscribed there. Finding herself unable to read more than individual letters, she fetched Muriel. “Muriel, she said, read me the forth commandment. Does it say something about never sleeping in bed? Without difficult Muriel spell it out. It says, No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheet, she announced finally. (Animal Farm 1945:60)
Some animals getting confused with the change of the written text in the commandment even though they can not read perfectly, and by the help of Muriel who can read fairly well it was read that the commandment has been added with the new words. “no animal shall sleep in bed” has been changed into “ no animal shall sleep in bed with sheet”. It is a kind of conspiracy done by pigs to deceive other animals.
But a few days later Muriel, reading over Seven Commandment to herself, noticed that there was yet another of them which the animals had remembered wrong. They had thought that the fifth commandment was ‘no animal shall drink alcohol’, but there were two words that they had forgotten. Actually the commandment read ‘no animal shall drink alcohol to excess. (Animal Farm 1945:93)
Also the regulation that no animals shall drink alcohol written in the fifth commandment is changed into ‘no animal shall drink alcohol to excess. Drink alcohol is human’s habit, no animal have ever do it, and as it is proposed by the Old major in the principle of Animalism that no animal shall imitate human’s habit including drink alcohol, but pigs has deviate the commandment by slipping two words in the end f the sentence “to excess”. The next betrayal also made in the change of the central principle of animalism that all animals are equal which is written in the seventh commandment, has been changed into ‘all animals are equal but some animals are equal than others.
For once Benjamin consented to break his rule, and he read out to her what was written on the wall. There was nothing there now except a single commandment it ran ‘all animal are equal but some animals are more equal than others. It ran : All animal are equal but some animals are more equal than others ( Animal Farm ,1945:114)
This actually represents Stalin’s arbitrary policy such as, great purge, deportation and the giving of privilege to the official. Great purge means when the country by dramatically increasing resistance, arrests, propaganda and accusations for other members of the party. Stalin also kill those who oppose his policy, he murdered his best officers and Trotsky, his political opponent. Most notably in the case of the brilliant Tuthachevsky, Stalin murdered, his best officers, to say nothing of the prominent politically figures executed during the purge trial (http://www.emazine.com/lecturer/russianrevolution/html)
He also murdered Trotsky, Trotsky was expelled from the communist party and deported from the Soviet Union, he was latter assassinated in Mexico, by Ramon Mercader, a soviet agent, with an ice axe (www.wikipedia.Leon Trotsky.org)
Trotsky is regarded as the political opponent of Stalin, he is really afraid that Trotsky will take holds the power from his hand, because they have any different perception in the new concept of government. That is why Stalin wants the death of Trotsky, Stalin ordered his agent to tail Trotsky and than murdered him.
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